Packing for Spring Break

With spring break upon us I decided to create a quick guide to packing for a vacation.

Prepare in Advance
Weeks before leaving begin to consider what you have and what you are going to need for your trip. There is nothing worse than going to pack your suitcase and realizing you need more shorts or a new pair of flip flops. Also, be looking at the weather so you know what type of clothing and gear you will be needing for your trip.

Know Your Abilities
Will you be flying or driving to your destination? If you are flying be sure to check with your airlines requirements on bag size, weight and what you can bring on the plane. If you are driving consider how much room you will have to store your luggage. It is important to be informed on what you can and can’t do.

Make a List
Writing out what you are going to need to pack is a great way to ensure that you won’t forget anything. This list can be as detailed to how many of each thing you are going to need (ex: five t-shirts) or very basic (ex: t-shirts). However, quantifying things will make things a lot easier when it comes time to putting things into your suitcase.

A day or two before you depart begin to pack your bags. This includes neatly folding all your clothes and deciding what will be making the trip or not. Typically, this is the hardest step for me. I tend to be very indecisive on what I want to bring with me on my trip. Packing a couple of days in advance allows myself to carefully consider what I will truly need while away. Everyone is different on their method of packing, but starting in advance ensures less stress to all involved.

I hope these tips and instructions help you to pack for your next trip. What tips do you have for packing for a trip? I would love to hear them! Feel free to share them below in the comments.


  1. These are great tips! I tend to do this when I am packing to go anywhere. I have to start planing in advance or I get stressed out. I always have to check the weather in advance because you never know what could happen. One thing my mom always told me was to pack an extra set of clothes and keep it with me just in case I would get stuck anywhere. Thanks for sharing and have a great spring break!

  2. I'm a procrastinator packer. I wait until the night before because I'm so indecisive about what I want to bring with me. When trying to decide what clothes to pack, I lay out a million options and narrow it down to what is acceptable for the duration of the trip. I also roll some of my clothes to make room for more, since I seriously overpack. I do quadruple-check my bag to make sure I have everything I need. I'm sure packing would be way easier if I followed your tips, thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for the great advice! I always make multiple lists whenever I travel anywhere because I know I will forget something! I have never been on a plane, so when that time comes I will need to do a bit more research on what I can and can't take. I have been known to not pack light, so luggage restrictions will be hard for me! I'm glad you have found a way that helps you successfully prepare for your trips. Enjoy your break!

  4. Thank you for sharing these tips! I always end up packing at the last minute and it always ends up biting me in the butt. For example, I forgot my succulent at school over break and he is probably going to die while we are gone since he gets watered on Mondays. I'll definitely be using these tips for when I go to Germany in May!


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