Did you know that Ohio Northern has an AMAZING group of young professionals with a love for public relations? Well if not, we do! Every Thursday evening at 7 p.m. we meet in PAC 132 to hear from awesome speakers and learn about various career paths public relations can offer. We just recently elected our new executive board members for the 2017-18 academic year. Here are the newly elected positions and their duties. Feel free to reach out to any of these members if you wish to learn more about our awesome organization.

President (Shannon Jack): Preside at all membership and executive board meetings and advise all members of Chapter activities; Delegate responsibilities of officers and committees; Direct overall operations of the Chapter Recommend and establish goals and objectives for the Chapter with the approval of the membership and faculty and professional advisors; Coordinate the functions of all officers, recommend and direct the execution of policies and procedures, together with the specific programs in the interests of the Chapter and with the approval of the membership and advisors; Notify PRSSA Headquarters and sponsoring PRSA Chapter of changes in Chapter officers or advisors; Coordinate executive member change over; Represent the Chapter at conference and meetings at the National, District and local level when necessary; Notify members about National and District awards, scholarships and competitions

Vice President (Devan Bianco): Perform all duties of the Chapter if the president is absent or unable to perform duties; Appoint committees, and coordinate the functions of the committee activities; Make arrangements for speakers and/or presentations to be made to the Chapter, assist in Chapter operation and perform such duties as may be delegated by the president; Advise the president on matter of policy and procedure and recommend to the president goals, objectives, plans and programs for the benefit of the Chapter; Coordinate and disseminate information about PRSA Associate Membership for graduating PRSSA members

Secretary (Tori Middlebrooks): Prepare agendas with the help of the president, record minutes of all executive board and general membership meetings, handle the appropriate distribution of these minutes; Maintain a record of Chapter members, including the permanent home address and in-school address of each; Post announcements of Chapter meetings throughout campus; Direct orders for posters, PRSSA stationery, and other printed material available to the Chapter; Serve as custodian of the Chapter's charter and other permanent documents, including the Chapter Handbook; Help promote new membership with slide/tape presentations, brochures, fliers and other appropriate aids; Updating the bulletin board

Fundraising (Ashley Dentinger): Organizing and advertising for fundraisers. Plans the PR Alumni Dinner with  Dr. Aggie. Assists with any treasurer duties (usually just the excel document of member information for National dues). Maintenance of the on campus bank account. Handles any student senate budget appropriations applications or appeals. 

Firm Director (McKenzie Wilson): Report to the executive committee and the Chapter all functions of the firm; Relay PRSSA, ONU Chapter goals to firm and perform such duties as may be delegated by the president; Provide annually True North PR's constitution and yearly goals for revision and approval of the Chapter membership and national recertification

Firm Assistant (Patrick Riley): Assists the Firm Director with various projects throughout the year

Prestige Editor (Michaela Long): Produce the Chapter newsletter on a biannual basis, coordinate press releases, feature articles, advertising and brochures relating to the Chapter including all campus and area press issues

Social Media Director (Sierra Prince): In charge of messaging and maintenance of our blog, website, Twitter and Facebook.

COPRSA Liaison (Cort Everhart): Correspond and maintain a close working relationship among COPRSA members.

The executive board is dedicated to motivating the Chapter to reach its greatest potential. We would love to have you as a member. Feel free to ask any questions or comment your thoughts below. Here are our social channels; we would love for you to connect and follow us!

Twitter: @ONU_PRSSA
Facebook: ONU PRSSA


  1. This organization is definitely one that anyone going into business or PR should be a part of! I haven't gone a lot because of my crazy schedule, but every time I do go, I learn something new. The tips I have learned are endless and the guest speakers are always open to any questions you have about interning and interviewing, which is what most college students are thinking about. I would encourage everyone to check it out at least once!

  2. I need to find time to attend these meetings. It has been a rough year for me so it has been a challenge trying to make it to meetings. AIGA is an art department organization which also meets on Thursday evenings, so the time conflict has been hard. As I am working toward a PR minor, I am going to try to come to these meetings next year, if at all possible.


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