Easter Blessings

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend spending time with family and friends. I know that I truly enjoyed celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ with my loved ones. There is nothing better than praising God while being surrounded by the abundant love of friends and family. Every Easter my family and I all go to church together and then afterward we get together, enjoy a great meal and simply enjoy one another’s company. It’s so wonderful to be able to see so many family members that I haven’t seen in a while. Being away at college hasn’t allowed me to see my family as much and I am truly thankful and blessed when I am given the opportunity to do so. Easter is truly all about celebrating the blessing that we are given because of Jesus Christ being crucified on the cross for our sins. I know that I am truly blessed to be surrounded by such an amazing and supportive family who also shares a love for Jesus Christ.

How do you spend your Easter weekend? I would love to hear your thoughts and traditions. There are so many ways that people celebrate. Feel free to share and comment below! Again, Happy Easter everyone!


  1. I am glad you had a great Easter, it is always great to see family and friends. I got the opportunity to spend Easter with my best friend and second family. We were able the attend church and then gather to eat a large meal. My friend has a large family, so she has many siblings. After the meal we hung out for a while playing card games and having some great laughs. A day of relaxation was definitely needed as the end of the semester is upon us.

  2. Happy Easter to you as well! My family also has traditions that we do every year! This year, my brother and I sand at church, which was nice. My parents really enjoyed being able to see all my siblings together for the first time since Christmas. I have younger cousins and I got to be the Easter bunny and hide all the eggs, so that was fun to watch. Glad you enjoyed your holiday!

  3. Happy Easter! I am glad to hear yours was great. My family was lucky enough to have some of the other side of our family from Canton drive down and spend it with us. However this just meant more food would need to be made. More people was no match to my mom and my aunts, they still made to much.


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