Beauty and the Beast

This past weekend I went with my mom to see “Beauty and the Beast” and was I surprised. I have always loved Disney movies, but I was rather skeptical about turning one of my favorite princess movies into a live action movie. However, Disney did an incredible job of staying true to the story and creating a truly remarkable movie.

I was so in love with all the music. Beauty and the Beast has some of the most recognizable and memorable songs of Disney’s classics. I found myself constantly wanting to sing, but I had to refrain because let’s be real, I don’t have the best voice and should not be singing in public. Haha! But great job to Disney on excellent music and making me feel as if I was right there with Belle and the Beast.

Speaking of Belle and the Beast, I absolutely loved the choice of actresses and actors for this film. Emma Watson surprised me so much! I never would have guessed for her to play the role of Belle, but she did an incredible job and I honestly cannot see anyone else in the role.

Overall, I would highly recommend this movie. There are so many aspects for everyone. The storyline overall is great for children, while the action is great for adults. I would love to hear your thoughts on this movie if you have seen it, or if not what is holding you back?


  1. I haven't had the time to go see it yet and I've been so bummed out! I hadn't heard any reviews from people I know, so this has made me extremely excited for when I actually will be able to go see it. Thankyou for sharing! I was skeptical of Emma Watson as well, but from what I have seen in her other movies (not Harry Potter) I was super hopeful she would make an amazing Belle.

  2. I also have not had the chance to go see this movie and I have never actually watched the original Beauty and the Beast so I want to watch that first.

  3. I completely agree with this. Being a Disney fan, I was worried that they would ruin one of my favorite Disney movies. But I think it was phenomenal and the graphics and scenery were so amazing. I kept thinking Emma Watson would pull out her wand! She did a great job for this being such a different role for her. She portrayed the character of Belle so well! I'm glad you liked it as well.

  4. I haven't gotten out to go see this movie, but I have heard nothing but good things about it. Like you, I was very skeptical about it being a live action movie, but now, I really want to go see it! I am a huge Disney nerd and I'm happy to hear that it was amazing.


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