Multiple Images in a Single Post on Instagram
Do you ever struggle with deciding which picture to post on Instagram from an event? I know that I often struggled with this very thing. I am not a huge collage person and I always want to share various pictures from an event but don’t want to do more than one post. However, just recently Instagram launched an update that now allows users to post up to 10 photos and videos in one single post. Viewers just simply swipe through to view them. Instagram has truly changed the game in the form of storytelling. Here is a quote from Instagram that gives a little more background on the update: "With this update, you no longer have to choose the single best photo or video from an experience you want to remember. Share your favorite moments of your best friend’s surprise birthday party - from setting up to when they walk through the door. Or create a step-by-step cake recipe that people can always find on your profile.” Here is how you create a multiple image post. Tap the ‘Sel...